Click on the section logo above to take you to your child's section page, where you will find activities that can be done at home and files and information specifically for that section.

Find out about badge progress

Look at your child's programme & events

Involving your Child

Please show them OSM and go through the badge section - they will be able to see where they are at with their personal badges, engaging them and helping to give them personal goals to achieve.

They can also look at their activity program and see what events have been planned for them to take part in.


It's essential that you check and update their details regularly as we use OSM to plan all of our activities and events, looking at any allergies or special needs that are required for us to ensure inclusivity.

Login to OSM for all your child's details & achievements

New Members Forms

This is the form you need to fill in for you child to join our group

PDF – 97.9 KB 46 downloads